How it Works to Own a Lifestyle Villages Home
- Sell your existing home.
- Purchase a new home in one of our villages.
- Invest the balance of your home equity in appropriate investments.
- Use your increased income to maximise your lifestyle.
What’s different about a Lifestyle Village?
We make it easier for you to own a new home. At Lifestyle Villages, you only purchase your home itself, not the land it sits on. This process is regulated by the Residential Parks Act in each state.
No Entry or Exit Fees
Good news! There’s no entry, exit or deferred management fees at Lifestyle Villages. Any capital gains achieved are yours to keep.
No Stamp Duty, Rates or Taxes
There are no Government charges such as stamp duty. You are not even required to engage a Solicitor unless you desire to do so.
No Sinking Funds or Body Corporate Fees
There are no body corporate fees. We have managers who look after operations within the communities and the maintenance of our community facilities.
Rental Assistance
If you’re eligible for a pension, rental assistance is paid on your site fees or payments through Centrelink or Veteran’s Affairs.